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Outdoor teaching in the mountains and fields of Hualien, combined with parent-child courses .












​資  訊

.   全包式題案價格

$8,800/人,包含說明之行程活動導覽、課程、餐飲(除第一天東大門夜市)、住宿、全程交通費用(含火車票,包車)、保險 ​

.   一分鐘了解行程精華

  • 體驗擂茶樂趣,在地家常美食

  • 山頂夕照擊鼓,親子遊戲非洲鼓

  • 親水漂漂河,清涼一夏

  • 探訪撒固兒部落,瀑布戲水

  • 親子瑜珈,親子按摩

  • 外籍老師親子繪本美語教學

  • 品嚐在地人才知道的經典巷弄美食

  • 典藏記憶,免費客製屬於您的小影片

Itinerary introduction

8/14 (Fri) Watching the sound of the mountains and the sea in Hualien

10:00~11:00 Hualien Railway Station

11:15 Keishuin Humanities and Arts Guide

12:00 Grilled fish at the foot of the mountain, enjoy local delicacies such as salt-grilled fish

13:30 Chuying Water Park has a cool summer

16:30 Night view at the observation deck of Fenglin Trail,  Parent-child game African drum lesson

18:30 Dongdamen Night Market (free dinner)

20:00~21:30 Night tour + bedtime story time



8/15 (Sat) Hualien Rift Valley Mountain and Sea Ecology and Spiritual Guide

07:30 Breakfast

08:30 Departure

09:00 Take a 360-degree view of the mountains and seas of Hualien from the Qiqi Heights

10:30 Roaming in Lintian Mountain to guide the beauty of forest architecture and artistic creation  

13:15 Yamato Leicha Experience the fun of Leicha and local home-cooked food

14:30 Da Nong Da Fu Pingdi Forest Park, meditate and purify the mind in the forest.

18:00 Hualien must-eat food: Shoufeng Township Yuezhilu Canteen Plum Chicken

20:30 Homestay time

8/16 (Sun)

08:00 Breakfast

09:10 Foreign teachers lead a parent-child picture book American English course

10:40 The Sagul tribe recognizes the Sakilaya and walks the Sagul Trail to visit the most accessible waterfall in Hualien.

12:00 Hualien alley food, a bowl of lamb beef noodles.

14:00 Forty-eight Heights overlook the beauty of Qixingtan

15:00 Parent-child yoga and parent-child massage class

17:30~18:00 Return

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